Strategy Theme
Develop and deepen competencies that strengthen your value proposition while strategically adding skills in advance for when opportunity knocks.
What are you learning to master your craft?
Strategy Outcomes
By internalizing and practicing the concepts of this module, you will increase the ability to:
Grow power by mastering your trade built on a deep and ever-expanding set of knowledge acquired through experience, mentors, and education.
Evolve your persona and brand image to align with the next, higher-level role you aspire to experience.
Expand your options given an ever-advancing knowledge base
Learning Model
The learning strategies that follow align into one of three categories:
Learn by doing – knowledge and expertise that comes from performing the work or activity (~70%)
Learn from others – knowledge passed on from mentors and people who share feedback (~20%)
Learn through self-study – knowledge you acquire through formal training, courses, books, etc. (~10%)